
Approved at an Extraordinary of Green Party Seniors
on 8 September 2021.

This constitution is subsidiary to the constitution of the Green party and is in line with the requirements for the establishment of an Affiliated Group as currently defined by the Green Party of England & Wales (GPEW).

1     Green Party Seniors is a group of the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) recognised by one of the committees elected at conference: Policy, Campaigns or Equality and Diversity.

2     In Principle Green Party Seniors recognise that older people face discrimination in a range of contexts that include access to health care, the provision of social care, fair and equitable pension provision and continuing education.  Older people have contributed a great deal to society, and have a great deal to contribute to society and to the campaign for a Green future.  In line with the internationalism that is part of the Green ideal we will seek to establish links and co-operation with related groups in the UK, Europe and globally.  As part of the GPEW we adhere to the Philosophical basis of the Party and its Policies for a Sustainable Society.

3     Green Party Seniors is a group open to all members of the GPEW who share its aims, principles and interests.  Only members aged 55 and above may vote and hold Committee posts.  Green Party Seniors welcomes non-voting supporters of any age who have an interest in issues which affect older people.  Members may register to join the group by contacting the ‘Contact person’ listed in Green Spaces.  A list of members will be retained by the officer designated for that purpose within the requirement of Data protection legislation in force at the time.

4     There is currently no additional membership fee for membership of the group.  This can be reviewed at any AGM of the group

5     The purpose of the Group is to safeguard and protect the interests and well being of older people; seeking to ensure that government policy and the application of policy do not disadvantage this segment of society, but recognising that older people may have particular needs that have to be taken into account.  The objects of the group will be to  monitor Green Party policies and procedures to ensure that we take into account any potential impact on older people The group will develop and propose policy changes where these are recognised as required. The group may campaign for changes that we see as necessary.

6     Group Officers who will form the committee for the purposes of administration of the group: a) Two Co-Chairs: responsible for the organisation and chairing of meetings of the committee and the group.  They will also be the registered contact persons for the group with GPRC.
b) Secretary responsible, with the chair, for the organisation of the agenda; for taking minutes of meeting, and ensuring that these, once approved, are available on Green Spaces.
c) Membership secretary responsible for maintaining accurate membership records of the group.  They will be the designated officer referred to in paragraph 3 above.  They will be responsible for alerting the committee should the membership level fall below 30.
d) Treasurer if the group decides that it needs to establish accounts relating to group income and expenditure
e) Media Officer responsible for the administration of a blog, website, facebook page and twitter account, or other online platform, as agreed by the Committee
f) Two non-portfolio Officers

The Committee may co-opt additional members as it considers appropriate.

7     The whole committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting by a simple ballot.

8     There will be a Green Party Seniors meeting at the party Autumn Conference.  The Chair will seek to ensure that reasonable notice of the date, time and location of the Green Party Seniors AGM is provided to members.  The AGM could be held remotely.

The AGM will agree a report for submission to GPRC that will: a) Review the work of the group over the preceding year, relative to its principles, aims and objectives
b) Affirm that the group still meets the requirements for a group to be recognised.
c) Report the names of the committee members elected by the AGM to the Party Office
d) Affirm that membership of the group is inclusive and that it strives to reach out to all disadvantaged groups represented within the membership of GPEW.

9     The committee will meet monthly online to review work that the group has committed to.  Meetings will be advertised to the membership and any member may attend on giving suitable notice to the Chair, except for any items determined as confidential by the Committee.

10   The group may establish working groups to carry out its objectives.

11   If the group determines that it needs to raise money to further its objects, the purposes for which the money is sought will need to be transparent.  No member of the committee may receive financial benefit from the activities of the group, nor be involved in decision making where they may receive such benefit.

12   If a bank account is established for the group, it will be established in the name of the Group, and require two signatories from three elected by the group for this purpose, one of whom will be the Treasurer

13   Members will be informed of the activities of the group through the provision of minutes of committee meetings, through reports from working groups, and through the report to the AGM.  These will be made electronically unless there is a specific request for these to be made available in another manner that can be reasonably accommodated.  The annual report will be made available at least three weeks before the date of the AGM.

14   The quorum for the AGM will be 10% or 15 members, whichever is less, of the registered membership.

15   An Extraordinary General Meeting of the group can be called by the committee, or at the request of 10% of the membership.

16   In the event of any dispute within the group that has not been resolved by informal contact, mediation will be sought using the Green Party Disputes Resolution Committee in the first instance.  The group will adopt any Disputes and Complaints procedures recommended by the Party for Groups.

17   Revision of the Constitution.  The constitution will be revised by the committee to ensure that it is in line with any changes in the Constitution or governance structure of the GPEW, and in order to reflect any changes in the requirements for groups determined by Party conference.  It may also be changed by proposals from the committee or members at the AGM, or at any EGM.  Any such proposed changes must be published to the membership at least two weeks before the date of the AGM or EGM, and cannot affect paragraph 18 below.  Changes to the constitution will require a two thirds majority of those voting in a properly constituted quorate general meeting.

18   The membership can choose to dissolve the group by a two-thirds majority at any AGM or at an EGM convened for the purpose.  On dissolution any assets of the group will be passed to a Green party group that has the same or similar objects, or if there is no such, will pass to the GPEW.

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